#Love conquers all
The world is turning, and with every turn there are changes, the 4 seasons are the thread that these pearls hang on. There are good pearls, and there can be broken ones. Together we must help to thread the beads , make a beautiful chain once again. We can do it..together
Bookings have been so lovely lately, i am really chuffed with the variety of portrait jobs coming NDR'S way. Also been out on the street again shooting my personal project #The comfort of strangers or #30 seconds of street portrait. I have a few rules in street portraits 1 .being don't go up behind a subject , especially a woman, i have shared this tip with fellow peers & they have taken this on board. 2. Dont hide your camera, let a person see what you are all about, no clever subterfuge, it will work against you, be open, be honest, be respectful, be kind. 3. If they refuse, thank them wholeheartedly and move on, swallow that pride and let that hurt ego take a walk. I started my stranger portraits back in 2014 where i took a portrait of a stranger and then asked them 3 questions. 1. What is your wish? 2. Who is your best friend 3. Where in the world would you choose to be right now?. and put the answers with the portraits but this idea seems to be being used now by other photographers so im just shooting and letting the portrait speak all for itself with a little context so one can read that i haven't just shot and ran like the paps i despise so much, the portrait is a 2 way street and i have had some lovely comments about it...long may this project have soul in it.
"The people whom you photograph must sense respect in you, they look the camera in the eye and seem pleased."
"I never see fear or rejection in your shots. They follow willingly. That's a gift."
"Nicola - I have thoroughly enjoyed your "30 second" portraits and agree with Randy about your notes. I encourage you to continue with this - I'm impressed by your courage and your persistence, not to mention your eye for the perfect subject"