The Comfort of Strangers
Ever since i read The Comfort of Strangers,a 1981 novel by British writer Ian McEwan, it has always stuck in my head.The last couple of months i have been adding to my Street portrait Portfolio taken in Gainsborough, Tuxford & Nottingham.
“. . .sometimes one feels freer speaking to a stranger than to people one knows. Why is that?" “Probably because a stranger sees us the way we are, not as he wishes to think we are.” ― Carlos Ruiz Zafón, The Shadow of the Wind
Rather like travelling to an unknown land, i feel comfortable exploring people or places i have never know.
It has been an inspiring few weeks, some really cool portrait bookings that i am extremely grateful for and some exciting enquiries for the future. Some disappointments too but we roll with the punches at NDR.
Prepped for tomorrow's portrait shoot & then off to the city again on Saturday to assist the great Crash Taylor on another of his cool workshops. Keep on truckin folks and be kind , it cost nothing and a little bit goes a looooong way . Peace.
.Street Portrait by NDR